Founders Iris Sagrado and Glenn Stears met while working at a financial planning firm, but didn’t know if that firm was providing their clients with the care and attention they deserved. They realized they could make a bigger impact if they left to create their own firm and 360Blue Financial Strategies was born.
The Ask:
360Blue was built on the idea that with the right philosophy and a team approach every client can reach their financial goals. They needed materials that would connect them with clients they were certain they were the right match for. 
My Role:
I worked with the client to understand their business, the reasons they created the company, and who they wanted to reach. Myself and team synthesized all of that into a new website and marketing materials like an interactive quiz where users answered questions about their financial knowledge and how they viewed money. These materials plus an About the Firm video were crafted as filters to help 360Blue match to ideal client types.

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